Upon Further Reflection

Co-curated by Lora Appleton and Andrea Hill in partnership with the Asian American Pacific Islander Design Alliance and The Female Design Council.  Presented at 3.1 Philipe Lim in New York City for NYCxDesign 2023.

A dynamic mix of AAPI female-identified designers have been invited to participate in this important exhibition during NYCxDesign 2023 to both challenge and address the ideas of reflection through surface exploration, materiality, and self discovery. 

Self reflection is a key part of what is needed to grow as a human, a creative, a community member. Seeing reflections of self within others is also critical to growth within one's career or craft; believing you can achieve what you see if only you can see it in yourself. Self reflection under the AAPI umbrella projects a blur asking the questions; how do I see myself; how do I see others; how do others see me? This charged concept of mirroring and reflection is of endless fascination, and especially for the AAPI community, who has struggled to be seen within the historically white-centric United States of America. Find out more