Art Rebound Episode 5: Brandi Hofer, Artist

My guest on Art Rebound episode 5 is Brandi Hofer.

Brandi is a Canadian artist who went from studio portrait painting to working with her small children, writing a book, creating educational programs, mentoring and most recently taking on giant mural projects.

Her incredibly generous spirit makes her really, really good at creating community, and I was very inspired by this conversation and thought about it a lot.

Find out how she does it all, and why.

I think you'll really enjoy this episode!

Find out more about Brandi and follow her on Instagram @brandihoferstudios

Color Me Happy is where you can find her podcast, join her community and access free creativity and portrait workbooks plus gets tips on starting your own mural projects. Oh, and if you want you can listen to Brandi’s interview with me there too!


Art Rebound Episode 4: In Conversation with Liz Robb, fiber artist